23 April 2007

New battery replaced under warranty by dealer

This afternoon I went to the Peugeot dealer with my Peugeot 107. Last weekend my 107 would not start for the second time. Some weeks ago the 107 would not start also. The battery was very low both times. The first time I recharged the battery myself and I called the dealer and they told me to keep them informed about it. So this weekend (saturday evening) it happend again and I called my dealer this morning. I made an appointment for this afternoon to check my battery and my car.

After some checks the dealer told me that the starting capacity of the battery was a little bit low. So because of this they replaced the battery under warranty. The new battery is a type of battery which they use in a 206 1.4 so it's a little bit more powerfull.


Anonymous said...

Zo hoort het: garantie is garantie.
Een spijkernieuwe auto hoort gewoon te starten.
Trekt de startmotor niet teveel stroom? M.a.w.: hou het in de gaten, want anders moet die ook vervangen worden.

REFZ said...

Bedankt voor je reactie. Ik hou het zeker goed in de gaten. De accu verloor zijn spanning als de auto een paar dagen stil stond.